Application for the nomination of the "Cooperative Applied Research Award México - CARAM 2005" is possible for a joined project of companies together with research institutes, universities and vice versa. The criteria to select the best solution or concept of a cooperative research project are:
- Originality - Innovation - Practibility - Utilization - Impact - Speed/Effort
Show room Award Cerenomy 2003/4 |
Showroom - Last Conference with last Award Cerenomy at the AKJ Automotive Mexico 2003
The Jury has the objective to select the best solutions or concepts for cooperative research studies between companies and research institutions or universities with the members
The Jury Members 2005 - Dr. Gerado Ayala S M, Dean, UDLA University, Puebla - Klaus Ulrich Ruemler, Vice President, GEDAS de México, Puebla - Victor Manuel López Sánchez, ITESM, Edo Méx, México City - Dr. Klaus-J. Schmidt, IPL, Director, Saarbrücken (Germany), Jury Speaker - Dr. Ricardo Swain, Director, ITESM, México City |