Projectleader México Dr. Victor Manuel Lopez, Prof. vmlopez@itesm.mx, +52-55-5864-5555 then 3186
Heads Conference and Program Comittee Prof. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Schmidt, IPL, AKJ and HTW kjs@htw-saarland.de, +49-171-4540836 Dr. Ricardo Swain, Prof., Research Director, ITESM/CEM rswain@itesm.mx, +52-55-5864-5555 then
Coordination German Speakers/Program Jörg Kuntz, IPL and AKJ Automotive jck@htw-saarland.de, +49-681-5867-425 or +49-681-585040
Coodination external affairs with German and Mexican Companies Isabel Kreiner, Tec de Monterrey, ITESM, México City, México
Conference Office México Adriana Garcia, ITESM/CEM, México City, México Ana Bonilla, ITESM/CEM, México City, México abonilla@itesm.mx, +52-55-58645620
Conference Office Germany Jörg Kuntz, AKJ/IPL/HTW, Saarbrücken, Germany jck@htw-saarland.de, +49-681-5867-425 or +49-681-585040