9th of October 2007 |
Challenges and Strategies, Logistics and Manufacturing AKJAutomotive, AMDA, AMG/Daimler, AMIA, Ambassador of Germany, Bosch, CeDIAM, Canacintra, Chrysler, Continental, Daimler, FITT, Ford, General Motors, INA, IPL Prof. Schmidt, ITESM, KUO Automotive, Magna Cosma, Nissan, PACE University, Porsche, SAPS, Schefenacker, Schenker, Seglo, Siemens, SMART, Volkswagen Mexico, Volkswagen Germany and other companies/institutions.
Conference languages spanish and english. |
Opening Conference Office and Exhibition
Registration for participants and visit the exhibition
Salon D - Opening and Podium discussion
Dr. Roland Michael Wegener, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany Prof. Dr. Klaus-J. Schmidt, AKJ Automotive, IPL, Saarbrücken, Germany Dr. Wilhelm Boucsein, German Commerce Chamber Director Humberto Jasso, Director of Industry at Economy Ministry Enrique Peña Nieto, State of Mexico Governor Thomas Karig, Vicepresident Corporate Relationships & Strategy, Volkswagen do México Dr. Roberto Rueda, Rector Zona Centro, Tecnológico de Monterrey Dr. Pedro Grasa, Director, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México. Dr. Armando Bravo, Director of CeDIAM. México Dr. Ricardo Swain, Head of Engineering and Architecture School, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Strategies to design and improve the total supply chain - Room D Chaired by Ramon Suarez (INA) and Prof. Dr. Klaus-J. Schmidt (AKJ/IPL)
Thomas Karig, Vicepresident of Strategy and Corporate Relationships, Volkswagen de México Longterm Supplier Relationship - Strategies and the new concept to improve the relationship between Volkswagen and suppliers ----- Fabián Machorro, ABS Segment Director, Continental. Cuautla Plant, México The Conti Automotive Improvement Process – Strategies and concepts to achieve a customer oriented and optimized manufacturing process. ----- Break and visit exhibition
Podium discussion - Room D invited by Klaus-J. Schmidt (AKJ Group/IPL) and moderated by Carlos Gonzalez (Director of Autocosmos Show)
Challenges to improve the total Supply Chain in new global structures and processes
Thomas Karig, Vicepresident of Strategy and Corporate Relationships, Volkswagen de México Fabián Machorro, ABS Segment Director, Continental. Cuautla Plant, México Flavio González, Engineering Director, Ford Motor Company, México. Willy Ewers, Vicepresident of Latin America, Magna/Cosma Oscar Albin, Director of Purchasing and Suppliers Quality Control, Chrysler de México Charles Visconti, President of Robert Bosch, Mexico Mario Suro, President of KUO Automotive ----- Lunch, exhibition and press conference
Improve the supply chain with the right suppliers and processes - Room C Chaired by Florian Kotz (AMG/DC)
Jürgen Binder, General Manager Forward Sourcing, Porsche, Stuttgart (D) Efficient and process oriented suppliers – Concepts and methods to select, evaluate and improve suppliers for more integrated value chains ----- Klaus Holeczek, CEO, SAPS Schefenacker Slovenia, (SLO) Jesús Contreras Martínez, Volkswagen, Puebla Ferdinand Zefran, Manager, SAPS Schefenacker Slovenia (SLO) Placement process designes – Strategies, concepts and methods to assure global manufacturing placement and change processes ----- Picture time, Break and Exhibition
Improve the supply chain with standardization and monitoring - Room C Chaired by Victor López and Isabel Kreiner, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Stefan Rosenwald, Senior Manager, DaimlerChyrsler, Stuttgart (D) Production systems in change – Concepts and results from a systematically application of line-back-principles in the manufacturing and assembling of engines ----- Andreas Müller, Head of Quality Management, SMART, Hambach (F) Quality gate driven processes – New experiences to improve the product ad supplier development process at new cars at SMART ----- Picture time, Break and Exhibition
Improve the global supply chain considering cultural restrictions - Room B Chaired by Alejandro González, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Levente Tibori, Head of industrial engineering, Schefenacker, Mosonszolnok (H) Global optimized engineering – Concepts to develop engineering processes in global organized product development and manufacturing projects ----- Sevket Akinlar, Order management, Volkswagen, Wolfsburg (D) Culture oriented order fulfillment processes – Strategies/Solutions for a global sales and distribution planning process with culturally restrictions ----- End of lectures and exhibition
Gala dinner at the 2nd floor of the professors building
18:30 ----- 22:30
Opening Gala Dinner ----- End gala dinner and first conference day
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