With the Organization of the Conference and the special topics we will have many possibilities to discuss with colleagues, experts and meet the decision makers. To intensify this program we set up a special sponsoring program.
Depending on your selection it is possible to show
- Your logo on the website - Your logo on the conference map - Your logo on the documentation bag - Your logo on gala dinner tables - Your logo in the exhibition room - Your product information together with the printouts of lectures - Your notepad or other details at the participant desk - Your labels in the conference rooms - to get an invitation to the gala dinner - etc.
Exhibition Office México Silvia Zwiefel, Industrias Norm, S.A. de C.V. Email: s.zwiefel@norm.com.mx Tel: +52 222 273 99 00 Ext. 1009 Cel: +52 1 222 293 36 04
Exhibition Office Germany Jörg Kuntz, HTW/SPI Prof. Schmidt, Saarbrücken, Germany, mail... phone: +49-681-95431-12 phone: +49-681-95431-0