Steffen Burk

Getrag Ford Transmissions GmbH
Manager Logistics Planning
Köln (Germany)
Steffen Burk, born in 1970, started working for Getrag in 1998 as packaging engineer and went through different Logistics engineering positions and Launch programs in Europe, NA and APA. In 2001 he became Logistics Transition Manager, being involved in establishing the operational and Logistics process structure of Getrag Ford Transmissions, a Joint Venture between Getrag and Ford of Europe.
After several years responsible for various projects in Logistics Planning and Operations in Getrag Ford, he was assigned Logistics Module Leader for launching 2 new sites in USA and Mexico in 2007, afterwards serving as Logistics Plant Manager at Getrag Irapuato/GTO for 2 years.
Since 2010 he is Manager for Logistics Planning, responsible for all mid and long term Logistics activities at Getrag Ford Headquarters in Köln/Germany.