Klaus Holeczek

odelo Group
Chief Executive Officer
Schwaikheim, Germany
Klaus Holeczek was born on 23. July 1961 in Erlenbach am Main, Germany. For 20 Years he has had an executive function in automotive industry and since 2013 he has held the office as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the odelo Group.
Klaus Holeczek has been active in odelo Group since 1998. He started his career in the Schefenacker Group as a responsible for the Global Logistics and Lean Production. From 2005 until 2012 he was a general manager of odelo Slovenija d.o.o. and since the year 2013 he has taken over the role of a CEO of the odelo Group.
Under his command, since the plant in Slovenia has been founded, odelo Slovenija has developed into the biggest and the most profitable series production of the odelo Group. Some of the major challenges were the building of a new plant, integration and realization of new projects and products, a permanent personnel and organization adjustments to a fast growth and constantly growing customer’s portfolio. Lean principles were successfully implemented and relocated into odelo Slovenija with a clearly structured roadmap. The vision becoming “The Best of Class in World Class Manufacturing” was his motive at all times.
In March 2012 odelo Slovenija received the TPM Award as the first plant in Slovenia. This prize was awarded due to a successful implementation of Lean Methods in Productive Maintenance. In July 2013 Odelo Slovenia received the prestigious Automotive Lean Production Award in the SME category. The award is a result of an ongoing implementation of Lean principles into the plant.
The goal being in the Champions League of the best production companies worldwide is the focus of Klaus Holeczek and his odelo team. Low costs, short delivery time and high flexibility followed by the best quality at the same time and excellent customer’s service are requirements, which have to be fulfilled to face the hard competition. A central challenge in his new position as a CEO is the optimization of the product development and process planning in accordance to Lean Development.