Workshop B - Productionsystems - 6th of October

The Toyota Production System is one of the most copied, adapted and improved management system in the world. Many companies use this system to develop an own production system like the Ford Production System (FPS), Mercedes Production System (MPS) and so on. The Mercedes Benz Production System is signed as a system that show us a way how we can use the general strategy and elements of the Toyota Production System and combine it with the specific culture of every companie.

Objective of the Seminar and Workshop is to learn from the practice and experiences scs from responsibilities of the DaimlerChrysler for the Implementation process of Production Systems.

Florian Kotz, Projectmanager MPS, DaimlerChrysler, Untertürkheim (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Klaus-J. Schmidt, AKJ Automotive, Saarbrücken (Germany) and others from the AKJ

Agenda and main Topics

08:30   Opening Seminar Office  
  - Coffee and preparation  
09:00   Welcome and Introduction  
  - Targets of the Seminar
- Invitation and participants expectations
- Toyota Production Systems
- Coffee break  
10:30   Structure of the Mercedes Benz Production System  
  - Toyota elements and conclusions
- Topics Mercedes Benz Production System
- Mercedes plant and challenges for MPS
- Project focus implementation MPS
- Lunch and break  
13:30   Implementation and instruments  
  - Project organisation
- Management guidelines
- Implementation examples
- Coffee break  
15:00   Conclusions and consequences 
  - Conclusions and extract
- Recommendations
- Checklist examples
- Last questions  
16:00   End of the Seminar  
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